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Arts Council England funding enables wellbeing workshops

Thanks to our Arts Council England funding for Verismo we are running two ‘Wellbeing Through Singing’ workshops in August!

Alongside the production of Verismo, we are running two workshops for refugees, asylum seekers and other minority groups in Sheffield. Led by vocal health specialist Harriet Johnson, the workshops will explore the joys of singing and the positive impact it can have on our wellbeing, whether that be in a group or by yourself in the shower! Along with time spent learning breathing techniques that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Kathryn Gasic, Co-artistic Director said: “We are delighted to be able to provide these workshops for people who might not otherwise have access to our work. This is the first time we’ve been able to engage with local communities in this way and it is thanks to funding from Arts Council England that we can use singing to educate and improve wellbeing.”



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